My Seoul gastronomical affair

Everything about Korea is pretty amazing (no I am not biased). Korea is truly a country full of discoveries, many of them culinary.

There’s just something unique about how Koreans present every aspect of their lives. I came to realise I was taken aback by the korean culture through watching K-dramas. The emotions and good looking-ness of the characters in the movie I was definitely drawn to, the sense of fashion awed me, the animated expressions of the characters amuse me, the beautiful scenery of the locations mesmerised me and last but not least, I am so totally intrigued by the korean etiquette and the way the Koreans have their meals makes me almost want to taste them immediately.

I’ll let you know a secret – I have a fetish for the Korean spoon, have you ever noticed how cute they look? Just eating my meals with the long metal spoons somehow makes the food tastier! I sometimes have my instant noodles with the korean spoon, just because.

If you have not noticed all that I mentioned, try watching an episode of a Korean drama – there is bound to be at least one scene in every episode where the family is having a meal. Or could just be one of the characters preparing their breakfast (rather elaborate if you ask me – can’t compare to a cuppa coffee and toast) or eating from a porcelain pot or simply sampling soju (Korean alcohol akin to the Japanese sake) at the road side, more or less you get the picture.

I always dreamed of visiting Korea, and I finally fixed that part of my wish list last year. Best trip ever (for my belly too), no regrets! My regret: I wished I had done it sooner.

Today, I will take you through the TOP must have Korean food and streetfood (in no particular order).

Bibimbap : hard not to love at first bite. wow. wow. wow.

Bibimbap is a mixture of rice and a variety of vegetables (beans sprout, carrots, lettuce). Notice how dainty and thinly sliced the veggies are? Easy for digestion presumably.

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